Success & Creativity - Why You Should Be More Schizophrenic

Word count:4591

hey this is Leo for actualised org have you ever run across a person that crazy person walking down the side of the street who's always talking to himself I don't know maybe you're like me but you had one of these kids in school that everyone picked out and laughed at because they literally were like the crazy person they were like that schizophrenic kid who was the loner nobody wanted to talk to him and he would be off walking around always whispering to himself literally talking to himself and people thought he was just plain weird and crazy and everyone laughed at him kind of sad right but this stuff happens well I'm here to tell you that you need to be more like that guy what do I mean by this well I was thinking about this and there's an important thing that as we grow up and we become adults we tend to start to discount as I think as kids we have a stronger sense of reality a stronger sense of inner reality than we do as adults because as we grow up as adults we tend to become very hooked on external feedback and being very conscious of having the outer world reflect and and basically dictate what our inner world is going to be like and I think the difference between successful people and unsuccessful people and also really genius people and creative people is that successful and genes and creative people they tend to have a really strong sense of reality so what I really want for you and this is something that I just realized for myself as well is that I lost a bit of my sense of inner reality so let's start from the beginning basically the way we're going to lay this out is that you have an inner world and inner reality and then you have an outer world which is outer reality and in society we tend to think and as we grow up as adults we didn't think that the inner world is not so important what's important is the outer world what's important is how much money do you have in your bank account what's important is what do people actually think of you what's important is can you go out there and get a result can you demonstrate this can you create that kind of effect in your life that's what's important right the external success or what people think of you but there's also the more subtle important which is thing which is the inner reality that you have in the inner reality is well it's your beliefs it's your emotions it's your feelings it's your thoughts it's how you think the world works it's your philosophy about life it's the principles under which you operate it's the habits that you have it's also the visions that you set for yourself and I think visions is a really big part of what I'm talking about here because it's the ability to use your imagination to create something in your mind and have it be there and buy into it not just say that oh this is a daydream or a fantasy but really believe in it because here's the thing the greatest accomplishments that are achieved out of the external world have to start somewhere they have to start in internal world every creative genius out there from business leaders like Steve Jobs and Bill Gates to to architects and artists and authors and movie directors and musicians anybody like that they have to start to get those massive kind of results that they get they have to start with something inside them first that stuff doesn't exist before they come and create it and the process of creating that is about having a very strong internal vision a very strong sense of what is possible and then believing in that right and I think that in in popular culture and in media and society our parents etc in business when we tell people that we have a strong imagination or a strong vision they tend to think that you know they tend to discount that because external people will look at us and we'll say well he has a vision but what does that vision really account for what does that really mean what what really matters is whether it's materialized in the external world whether it's here and now and I can feel it it's tangible but those people discount the importance of the imagination part in the inner world it's the inner world that gets you going right so if you envision architecting some sort of beautiful building how does that process start it starts in your mind it starts some sort of mental image it starts as a vision and moreover if you're going to go through with creating that going through that project and designing and actually getting a team of thousands of workers to go out and build that skyscraper how is that going to happen that's only going to happen through certain perseverance you're going to have a certain motivation because there's going to be a lot of challenges and obstacles getting that two to become realized and so the way to do that and to really make it happen the people that are able to make it happen they have to have a really firm belief and that firm belief comes from something inside of them that comes from a certain vision that they have they're inspired by what could be they're inspired by how they can change reality into a likeness of what's in their mind so it really starts as an idea and then only years later does it get manifest into something tangible and most people of course discount that whole process because that's happening on the inside and that's really what a lot of the struggles that creative people face is that they face all the emotional toil and labor of going through that process because that process mostly happens on the inside and other people don't see it so you're kind of left to struggle there on your own so what I want for you here and the prescription I have is you need to turn this thing upside down and you need to start to recondition yourself to believe that having a strong internal reality is really important and I was thinking about a good analogy for this and I think that a good one is augmented reality alright so you know how right now there's some new technologies out there they have they have augmented reality for your iPhone and for app you know apps for your mobile devices or kind of in the experimental phases and they also have augmented reality for this thing called Google glass which are like these little glasses that you put on and what it basically does is you're in the real world but then there's like an overlay right there's like a digital overlay and sometimes you can see this in science fiction movies where people are walking around the world and then you have like overlays like maybe the computer will tell you that that thing that you're looking at that chair you're looking at you know that's a chair for my Kia and it cost $25 and here's the name and here's where you can buy it and here's a Buy It Now button so you can go through that whole process and so it's basically like a digital layer over reality and that's what I kind of see the mind as being it's like the original augmented reality right and I really mean this in in a much deeper sense than just use your imagination to come up with some fiction I really think that human consciousness in reality as we know it we tend to say that reality is out there it's tangible and there's also the kind of the delusions we have our mind but I think that really that distinction is a lot more blurred than we make it out to be in popular culture I think that actually the human mind is responsible for a lot of what we call reality what we think and when you go through enlightenment work and you go through a lot of meditation contemplation you start to see some of these distinctions blur and really what's happening is that right now your reality is already augmented by your mind it's already augmented and colored by filters that you have it's colored by the experiences you had growing up by the habits that you have the mental habits that you have your own disposition and so really what you're experiencing as reality even though you're telling yourself that that's what's real it's not quite as real as you think it is a lot of that is augmented right when you're looking at your life and you're saying well I can't start a business because the economy's not going well well you know what that's a filter that's that's filtering your reality so you're living in an augmented reality world whether you like it or not and in that sense what I really want for you is I want for you to know first of all acknowledge that and it takes some experiences some contemplation maybe some life experiences that that trigger this this kind of sense the sixth sense in you that really a lot of what you're seeing out there and what you think is real is partly a fabrication of your own mind the in the trick though when it comes to success and fulfillment and personal development is that you want to start to use that to your advantage so why not have an augmented reality that helps you be successful and by that I mean really take your own visions seriously start to view your own thoughts and your own habits and your own imagination as something that's real right because you know what right now you're using it already already whether you acknowledge it or not and you're probably using it in an unempowered negative way like you're worrying all the time you're having that monkey chatter in your brain you're having self doubts you're having all sorts of limiting beliefs and you probably don't even consciously realize until you start observing yourself but you know what those things are going on in the back of your mind even if you've done a lot of personal developing work it's really hard to eradicate all of that so that's there and one thing you can do is you can take undertake and basically undertake a process to eradicate those and to shift them and to become more positive more optimistic to remove those limiting beliefs I think that's a really powerful strategy you can work on your self-image things like that but what I'm talking about here is getting a firmer sense and I guess a deeper connection with your imagination and not seeing it your imagination as something that's frivolous and seeing as something that's airy-fairy but really starting to believe in it like that schizophrenic kid walking down the sidewalk who's a little bit nuts why is he so nuts think about it the reason he's nuts and the reason that we look at him and like ooh there's something wrong there he's a little bit weird I don't know if I want to talk to him it's because he has a really strong sense of inner reality right the things that are going on in his mind are literally true for him it's like whatever demons he he sees out there whatever whatever conspiracy theories he has you know whatever monsters he imagines they're very real very palpable whereas for a normal person who's not schizophrenic or has psychological problems just psychologically healthy person for them we tend to think of something like that and then we dismiss it because we're like well that's not real that's just like a dream name is a fantasy I think that's healthy that's good but I think for a psychologically healthy person it actually is good to learn to be a little bit more like the schizophrenic and obviously if you are schizophrenic or you have mental issues and this is a advice is not for you you need to go the other route but I'm talking about the 99% of people who are psychologically healthy for them I think they need a stronger sense of internal reality right when you imagine for example for yourself the kind of business that you want to build or the kind of book that you want to write and the story of that book or the kind of movie that you want to go out and shoot wherever your dream is write whatever you want for your life when you imagine it I want you to really feel it as something that's real those thoughts should become real for you it shouldn't be like a minor dream or a fantasy it's like you want to really buy into it like that schizophrenic and you want to almost kind of like live in your like yeah you know this is real and you don't want to say to yourself well it's only real in my mind and it's not real in the work in the external world yet that's how it's supposed to be right that's normal that's how it starts off that's how creativity gets going that's what's cool about the human mind is that we have this Faculty of imagination that is really not possessed as far as we know about any other creature on this planet no other animal really has this ability to dream and to imagine and to believe in something so much that then that guides our actions and ultimate can lead to that becoming real so there's this interesting argument that can be made that it is real because it's in your mind and it's as real as you make it out to be so that schizophrenic makes it really real for himself because he buys into it whereas you for you it's not probably as real because you dismiss it as something as a figment of imagination I think imagination is much more powerful than that and I want you to challenge you to think differently about your imagination and to really start to take all those ideas seriously and to really give them life live into them and see your world is an augmented reality so that those imaginations are shaping and coloring your world but you're actually thinking of it as one cohesive reality it's not really two it's one it's just that we make this convenient distinction between outer world inner world but really there is an intersection and the two combine together and that's where your thoughts are shaping your actions so whatever creative capacity you have in your life whether you're building a good family life or you see yourself as being fit and buff at the ideal weight that you want to be at and toned or whether you have that creative project that you're working on see put it put it like an augmented reality overlay on top of what you're seeing right now so right now maybe you don't have that dream house and right now maybe your career is not doing what you want to be doing for you and that project that you're working on maybe that book that you're writing it's really not coming together like you want it to but you need to start creating the castles so to speak in your mind you create the castle in your mind and then it will start to happen out there your actions will start to make it happen that's why visualization is so powerful and I have videos talking about how to do visualization the power of visualization but what I ultimately want you to have is a stronger sense of internal reality and I want you to really merge this idea that your internal world should overlap your external world and then it all starts the power that all comes from the internal world so let me give you a few practical practical points about what I really mean by how to do this because it's nice to talk about it but how do you actually do this in your life well I think number one start giving a lot more importance to your ideas and your visions right really see them as real don't let people discount your visions don't let people just dismiss your visions and tell you oh that's just in your mind you're you're a silly dreamer these are just ideas you know they're just ideas no just ideas are really powerful ideas are where it all starts of course you have to follow up and take action on it but the vision is what creates Drive it's what creates motivation within you and it's also something that you can use to literally construct it within your own mind think of your mind like a CAD program where you can do rapid prototyping you can build designs in your mind for what you want whether it's a design for your ideal for the ideally how you look in the mirror with your body or it's a design for your business or it's a design for some invention that you're going to create you can do a lot of the work in your mind but most of us don't tend to do that because we don't think that it's real we tend to think that it's real when it's on paper when it's real when it's on a computer but you know what your mind is one of the best simulators out there so you can do that in fact there are examples for example Nikola Tesla he if you read his biography and if you read any stories about him he was a really interesting character he was actually a slightly mentally deranged character he had like manic bipolar disorder but he was extremely creative he had a really strong memory and he had like a photographic memory and he also had very strong visualization skills and so a lot of his inventions complex designs like really complex engineering designs because he worked on the electrical motor and he also invented alternating current which we use now in our electrical sockets so he was the inventor of that but a lot of those designs that he made he made purely in his mind and he made them work in his mind he worked them out to such great detail that then when he assembled it in real life it worked and these were extremely complex designs so that just shows you kind of the power of what you can do with your mind and how real and tangible that can be so first of all it's getting this mental shift it's getting your blocks around kind of the hesitations of going down the route of really believing in your inner world you have to get that straightened up because that then is going to open you up to go out there and and actually live it and some of the practical ways that you can live and create a really strong inner reality I think spending time alone and spending more time contemplating and spending more time concentrating on your thoughts is really powerful so techniques like visualizations also techniques like meditation or just sitting down and contemplating on thinking things through is really powerful and I tend to think that now in our busy lives where we're all running around we're all socially connected through media and through the internet and things like Facebook we tend to have less alone time less time to just sit by ourselves in a room and think things through think our ideas through think our visions through in great detail I think this is something that I personally right now am really excited about putting more of into my own life because I'm not doing that enough right now and I can see the potential that's going to have long-term for me because I can do so much with my business if I start planning out in my mind and sometimes I'll have these flashes these flashes I know I won't right now literally sit down and dedicate the time just to contemplate I just haven't created that habit which is something I want to do but with like for example when I'm in the shower or I when I'm in the car or when I'm walking down the street sometimes I'm going to have these ideas and I have this flash and it shows me the power of it it shows me the power of this visualization and of this inner reality they're talking about because all the sudden have ideas for how I want to shoot a video or the kind of article I want to write and stir things just start to click in my mind really fast that all the sudden half an hour goes by in the shower and I come out of the shower with all these ideas and I feel really engaged I feel really motivated and then all of a sudden I go out there and actually make it happen whereas other times when I'm not doing that then I'm just kind of running on autopilot and I'm not really being creative and so those those creative moments I think we can we can see where those creative moments are in our lives kind of the conditions that lead up to them and then we can consciously go out there and extend those moments try to get more of those into your life right so the showers may be one place to do that but maybe another habit that you can do is just to sit down for half an hour every morning before you start doing your work and do a little bit of visualization or do a little bit of journaling and contemplation and just think about you know what is that you want to be working on it create a really strong in a reality so that you're believing in those things and then go out and take action the rest of your day so this isn't something you should be doing all day but I think a little bit of that daydreaming time is really good so creating that habit can be powerful that's one way to go another thing is journaling I think journaling is really powerful it can really dovetail nicely with this meditation visualization / contemplation time is not only are you doing that but you have some place that you can write this stuff down and you make this also into a habit something that you do consistently where you're journaling and you're writing things out because as you're doing that you tend to get immersed in it it's like reading a novel it becomes your reality or it's like watching a movie it becomes your reality and that's kind of what you want with your creative life right whatever you're trying to create in your life you want to be thinking about it all the time you want to become like that schizophrenic where it's just like it's real for you it's tangible it's palpable and other people might kind of sticker it you know say you know what he's kind of off in his own world but that's a good thing I think for most of us that's a good thing some people that are a little bit far out there maybe they need to dial it back but for most of us we're we're so concerned about our external world and we're so concerned about reacting to the external world that were not creators in our own lives so I think that's another way to do it is through journaling other ways is you know I want you to just really have a high regard for your own thoughts a high regard for your own imagination and find ways where you can use your mind build your willpower muscles so that you can become a stronger visualizer right and don't be so concerned about what other people think of you unhook yourself from that need have the courage to say that I'm going to believe in my visions and that they will become reality over time and if you think about it that's the way that you really accomplished anything creative and great in your life if you have in the past and most of us has had at least a couple of moments where we can say you know what yeah I kind of believed in something that wasn't real and then I made it real just through sheer through sheer will through sheer imagination through sheer vision because I really believed in it and then after months of work or maybe even years finally it came about but the only reason that really came is because you had that vision for it and I think intuitively kids understand this really well because when they grow up they're just free they're present they're in the moment and they're really good at using their imagination that's why they can play with toys that to us seem boring because for us we just look at them and we just say oh these are toys in the external world there's no story there there's no action there for kid give him a couple of toys that are very simple and he'll create a story he'll create a plot there's going to be something going on he's basically literally going to be the director of his own movie in his mind and brahim is so real he buys into it and it does become his reality so it's kind of like that saying if you believe that it can't happen then you're right and if you believe that it can happen you're also right so you're right either way the question is what's empowering you why not have that augmented reality you don't need an app you don't need Google glass what you can do is you can use your mind to create a filter a conscious filter that you put on reality so that when you're walking down the sidewalk you're seeing it as you want it to be not as it is but as you want it to be and if you start seeing things as you want them to be sooner or later they become reality not only for you internally but they also then become a reality for all of us and that is the way that you improve the world that's the way that you become a creative genius all right so I'm going to wrap it up there go ahead share your thoughts give me your comments I'd love to hear from you about what you think on becoming more like a schizophrenic you